Well, I've been threatening it for what seems like ages, but here it is at last - a new blog, up and running!
And what a day to start on. Today is the day the UK's contingent of cretinous xenophobes decided to vote us out of the European Union. David Cameron has stepped down as Prime Minister, and whilst that should fill me with glee, the prospect of what's waiting in the wings to replace him is truly terrifying.
Boris Johnson as PM? It could happen. Hell, it already seems inevitable. And who would be in his Cabinet? The likely involvement of human wankstains Michael Gove and Ian Duncan Smith is the stuff of nightmares. And all the while, that smug prick Farage and his cult of scared, impotent bigots will be rubbing their hands with joy.
Well done, Britain. You've just handed this country to the fascists.
Scotland and Northern Ireland are already pulling on the Independence chain, and why not? Why should they be punished just because England and Wales lost their collective minds?
Oh, Wales. You broke my heart today. Never have I been more embarrassed - even ashamed - to be Welsh. We benefit from more EU funding than any other region in the UK, and we just voted to give that up. And who will replace it - a Tory government under Johnson, Gove, and IDS? Please. There are dark, dark times ahead for Wales, I fear. The Tories have never been friends to Wales, even as an undercurrent of casual racism has become more prevalent here.
And what of Labour in all this? As someone who felt Jeremy Corbyn was a welcome breath of fresh air, I now find myself profoundly regretting that choice. He needs to go. Now. We simply cannot afford a weak Labour opposition right now, and that's what they've been since being voted out of government.
So yes. A pretty grim day, all things considered.
I don't really have a specific idea of what this blog will be about going forward. It's really here for me to blather on as the feeling takes me. It probably won't be this political usually; it's more likely to be more geek/fandom-based, hence the title. That said, hopefully I haven't bored you all rigid with this first post, so I'll catch you next time!
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