I had somehow convinced myself that the rise in sexism and racism I had seen on social media was simply the death throes of a mindset finally realising they were being left behind by the changing world around them.
But that's the key part - "left behind." Those people are scared. Scared of what's different from them, no doubt. But also scared that their own narrow-minded bigoted views no longer grant them the power and security they once did. And so those people have lashed out. Against women, against people of colour, against the gay/trans community, against the "liberal elite." Lashed out against the world, because they are angry, scared people who can only alleviate their anger and fear by inflicting it others - especially if they deem those others to be somehow 'less than.'
I am not American, so I had no say in this Presidential election, but the reminders of the Brexit vote were clear, and I had a nagging feeling for a while that Trump might win. I take no joy in that. But I do wonder how many people - especially straight, white male liberals like me - had convinced themselves that those violent misogynists you see online couldn't possibly represent a majority. Surely any sensible person doesn't think that way? Same for racists, right? I mean, seems like more people than ever are speaking out against bigotry when they see it, right? Things are getting BETTER, right?
I know nothing.
Even though I couldn't vote yesterday, it is clear to me now that people like me are exactly the problem. This is NOT the death throes of an outdated way of thinking. This is its terrible rebirth. As liberals we are often secure - even smug - in our righteousness. We are the smart ones, the sensible ones, the 'right-thinking' ones. We are welcoming and inclusive.
We are the Good Ones. We are the Better Ones.
Well they sure showed us, didn't they? I don't know about you, but I don't feel so very smart and sensible this morning. If anything, I feel guilty. Because we - we smart, sensible free-thinkers - allowed this to happen right under our noses. I'm not even sure I can articulate why. As the title says, I just felt compelled to vent this morning; I'm just trying to make sense of this, as many others are. I don't know where we go from here. All I do know is that the left-wing/liberal movement needs to seriously re-evaluate its priorities and its way of doing things. Because things are not getting better; we are not progressing.
If the first step to solving a problem is acknowledging it, then surely all liberals must acknowledge this: Things are getting worse. They have been getting worse for some time. We took our eye off the ball. Sexism, racism, bigotry... they aren't withering on the vine, waiting to die. They've evolved into something far more insidious and far more dangerous. They moved into the shadows, in the whispered conversations, only showing their true horror when the tip of the iceberg broke through on social media. But now they have a mandate to move freely once again. We not only stopped being vigilant, we became complacent and dismissive. We turned it into a fucking punchline!
Now we pay the price.
Things are getting worse. If it truly is "darkest before the dawn," then shit is about to get really fucking DARK.
It's time to re-group, re-focus, and look out for one another.
Good luck. Time to get to work.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Monday, 4 July 2016
Preaching to the Converted
Let's talk about this Preacher TV show, shall we?
We're now five episodes into its first season and the results so far have been... disappointing.
The Preacher comic book has been one of my touchstones ever since I first read it. Every few years I go back to read it again, start to finish, and every time I do, I am as entertained and impressed with it as I was that first time.
Over the years there have been many attempts to adapt the story to either film of television, and when each one eventually came to nothing, I was neither saddened nor surprised. For anyone who's read it, the difficulties in trying to adapt it are obvious: Preacher is one of the most 'out there' stories you'll likely ever read. It is violent, it it is vulgar, it is grotesque, and, yes, it is blasphemous - and I say that as an atheist! But not only it is it all those things, it is all those to excess. The idea of being able to adapt it without watering it down, maybe even losing some elements altogether, was always faintly ludicrous.
Now here we are in 2016, there is a TV adaptation airing as we speak, and I don't think I could have imagined that Preacher, of all things, could have been turned into such a dull show.
Superficially, many of the recognisable elements of the comic book have survived the transition from page to screen, but somewhere along the way the vibrancy, the energy, the sheer propulsive nature of the comic book has been lost.
After 5 episodes of some of the most turgidly-paced TV I've ever sat through, it really feels as though nothing whatsoever has happened! Now, of course, that's not literally true, but for a show to already feel like it's spinning its wheels after just five episodes is surely not a good sign.
The comic book is basically a road movie. Our protagonists are chasing something, others are chasing them. And whilst there are certainly calm moments, detours off the main story, from its very issue Preacher is always going somewhere. It is always moving. The TV show is the exact opposite.
It was never going to be case of 'one issue = one episode,' I understand that. Just as I understand that five episodes into season one is perhaps too early to judge a show too harshly. But at the very least, I thought the first issue of the comic book was a perfect template for a first episode. Instead, it feels as though the story of that first issue is being stretched, so far beyond breaking point, over the entire first season?
Why the characters still in Annville? Why is Arseface being featured so much so early? Ditto Kilcannon? Why are Tulip and Cassidy hooking up now instead of much later when the tragedy of it is more pronounced? I could go on.
Changes were inevitable. I get that. But the changes I've seen so far do not fill me with the warm and fuzzies. Not only do the changes feel unnecessary, but it seems they might be sacrificing key things from later in the story in order to pad out an earlier section that was simply never meant to drag on this long. Even the Saint of Killers flashbacks - by some distance, the best things about the show so far - made a seemingly unnecessary change to the story in the fifth episode that served only to make the Saint look like a complete numpty.
Maybe the reason for these changes will become clear as the season continues. I really hope so. But for right now my confidence is not high.
One last thing before I end my insane ramblings. I need to reiterate just how badly misjudged the pacing has been on this show so far. I think it's fixable, but right now it's the main reason I'm struggling to justify carrying on watching. The pace needs to pick and it needs to pick up now. There is no good reason for the show to have taken this long to have accomplished so little of consequence.
The first season of any TV show is tricky, so hopefully things will improve. Because at the moment the show just doesn't feel like Preacher.
Friday, 24 June 2016
New Blog is a GO!
Well, I've been threatening it for what seems like ages, but here it is at last - a new blog, up and running!
And what a day to start on. Today is the day the UK's contingent of cretinous xenophobes decided to vote us out of the European Union. David Cameron has stepped down as Prime Minister, and whilst that should fill me with glee, the prospect of what's waiting in the wings to replace him is truly terrifying.
Boris Johnson as PM? It could happen. Hell, it already seems inevitable. And who would be in his Cabinet? The likely involvement of human wankstains Michael Gove and Ian Duncan Smith is the stuff of nightmares. And all the while, that smug prick Farage and his cult of scared, impotent bigots will be rubbing their hands with joy.
Well done, Britain. You've just handed this country to the fascists.
Scotland and Northern Ireland are already pulling on the Independence chain, and why not? Why should they be punished just because England and Wales lost their collective minds?
Oh, Wales. You broke my heart today. Never have I been more embarrassed - even ashamed - to be Welsh. We benefit from more EU funding than any other region in the UK, and we just voted to give that up. And who will replace it - a Tory government under Johnson, Gove, and IDS? Please. There are dark, dark times ahead for Wales, I fear. The Tories have never been friends to Wales, even as an undercurrent of casual racism has become more prevalent here.
And what of Labour in all this? As someone who felt Jeremy Corbyn was a welcome breath of fresh air, I now find myself profoundly regretting that choice. He needs to go. Now. We simply cannot afford a weak Labour opposition right now, and that's what they've been since being voted out of government.
So yes. A pretty grim day, all things considered.
I don't really have a specific idea of what this blog will be about going forward. It's really here for me to blather on as the feeling takes me. It probably won't be this political usually; it's more likely to be more geek/fandom-based, hence the title. That said, hopefully I haven't bored you all rigid with this first post, so I'll catch you next time!
And what a day to start on. Today is the day the UK's contingent of cretinous xenophobes decided to vote us out of the European Union. David Cameron has stepped down as Prime Minister, and whilst that should fill me with glee, the prospect of what's waiting in the wings to replace him is truly terrifying.
Boris Johnson as PM? It could happen. Hell, it already seems inevitable. And who would be in his Cabinet? The likely involvement of human wankstains Michael Gove and Ian Duncan Smith is the stuff of nightmares. And all the while, that smug prick Farage and his cult of scared, impotent bigots will be rubbing their hands with joy.
Well done, Britain. You've just handed this country to the fascists.
Scotland and Northern Ireland are already pulling on the Independence chain, and why not? Why should they be punished just because England and Wales lost their collective minds?
Oh, Wales. You broke my heart today. Never have I been more embarrassed - even ashamed - to be Welsh. We benefit from more EU funding than any other region in the UK, and we just voted to give that up. And who will replace it - a Tory government under Johnson, Gove, and IDS? Please. There are dark, dark times ahead for Wales, I fear. The Tories have never been friends to Wales, even as an undercurrent of casual racism has become more prevalent here.
And what of Labour in all this? As someone who felt Jeremy Corbyn was a welcome breath of fresh air, I now find myself profoundly regretting that choice. He needs to go. Now. We simply cannot afford a weak Labour opposition right now, and that's what they've been since being voted out of government.
So yes. A pretty grim day, all things considered.
I don't really have a specific idea of what this blog will be about going forward. It's really here for me to blather on as the feeling takes me. It probably won't be this political usually; it's more likely to be more geek/fandom-based, hence the title. That said, hopefully I haven't bored you all rigid with this first post, so I'll catch you next time!
And so it begins...
Decided to start a new blog. This first post is really just a test so I can try find my around. First REAL post coming soon.
Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!
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